Celebrities & Digital Creators
Celebrities like actors, sportsmen/sportswomen, digital creators or other creative professionals often work for a limited period in their careers. These careers are riddled with unpredictability and cash flows/income are erratic. Many earn from project to project. Therefore, the need of a sound financial strategy is paramount. Due to lack of time, their finances are often managed by family members, friends, bankers or CAs. The one managing the finances might or might not have the requisite knowledge. This is also prone to mis-selling and buying a product which might not be the best for you.
This is where, we step in to help celebrities and digital creators have a stable financial strategy. We conduct an introductory session with the concerned to understand their profession and cash flows. While preparing the financial strategy we take into account the limited career span, unpredictable or irregular incomes, high expenses, contingencies and a requirement for regular income after retirement. Post execution of the strategy, we keep a track of the portfolio and conduct review sessions with the clients.